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Job Resume TemplateSchool Management System project features and function requirement. Share PHP Project ideas and topics with us. Grate and many PHP project ideas and topics . Here some PHP project ideas for research paper. Here large collection of PHP project with source code and database. We many idea to development application like mobile application,desktop software application,web application development. You can find more project topics and ideas on PHP. Development ideas on School Management System. You can find Top Downloaded PHP projects here. Many project available to download with PHP source code and database. Free download School Management System project synopsis available.
Free download School Management System mini and major PHP project source code. Download simple learning PHP project source code with diagram and documentations. More project with source code related to latest PHP projects here.
Publish by | Japheth Rotich |
Project Name | School Management System |
Upload Date | January 31, 2025 |
Platform | PHP |
Programming Language | jsp, html, css |
Database | MySQL |
Front end | Bootstrap, HTML, CSS |
Back end | PHP, MySQL Database |
Project Type | web Application |
View | 141 |
A dashboard website for a Life Insurance Company. Built using PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS Login, logout, session, multilevel access, image uploads are implemented here. Features Agents can create clients Agents can only edit and delete info of the client. They created by Master Agent can create, update, delete all clients and agents info.Master Agent can view Payment records and nominees can be added and managed by agents.
Online exam system project have a two module is admin module and student module. Admin module feature and functionality list below. 1. Admin can login, logout, change password 2. Admin can add subject 3. Admin can add question bank in subject. 4. Admin check exam result and ranking of student. 5. Admin manage meeting schedule. 6. Admin add notice board to student. Student module feature and functionality list below. 1. Student can login, register, logout, change password. 2. Student give a exam particular subject. 3. Student can check ranks 4. Student view meeting details 5. Student can view notice in his profile. extra pages is about projects, developer info page.
A dashboard website for a Life Insurance Company. Built using PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS Login, logout, session, multilevel access, image uploads are implemented here. Features Agents can create clients Agents can only edit and delete info of the client. They created by Master Agent can create, update, delete all clients and agents info.Master Agent can view Payment records and nominees can be added and managed by agents.
laptopimage uploads are implemented here. Features Agents can create clients Agents can only edit and delete info of the client. They created by Master Agent can create, update, delete all clients and agents info.Master Agent can view Payment records and nominees can be added and managed by agents.
Admin Panel Features User Management View, add, edit, and delete users. Room Management View, add, edit, and delete rooms with details like status and pricing. Booking Management View all bookings and update their status. Reports and Analytics Generate reports on user registrations and bookings. Settings and Configurations Manage room typ ... [ Download Source Code ]
A dashboard website for a Life Insurance Company. Built using PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS Login, logout, session, multilevel access, and image uploads are implemented here. Features Agents can create clients Agents can only edit and delete info of the client. The created Master Agent can create, update, and delete all clients' and agents' info. Master A ... [ Download Source Code ]
A dashboard website for Company. Built using PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS Login, logout, session, image uploads are implemented here. Master login can view records. ... [ Download Source Code ]
Student management system is software which is helpful for students as well as school authorities. In the current system all the activities are done manually. It is very time taking or consuming and costly. Our student management system deals with the various activities related to the students. ... [ Download Source Code ]
1. Event Planning and Scheduling Event Creation: Users can create events with details like name, type, description, date, time, and location. Scheduling Tools: Calendar integration to manage event dates, and reminders to stay on track with timelines. Task Assignment and Management: Assign tasks to team members and track completion status. 2. At ... [ Download Source Code ]