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Auto shift duty management system project on PHP

PHP ideas   Last update on -  June 15, 2024
Mamun Islam
Mamun Islam
10 Reviews 4
634 View

Auto shift duty management system project features and function requirement. Share PHP Project ideas and topics with us. Grate and many PHP project ideas and topics . Here some PHP project ideas for research paper. Here large collection of PHP project with source code and database. We many idea to development application like mobile application,desktop software application,web application development. You can find more project topics and ideas on PHP. Development ideas on Auto shift duty management system . You can find Top Downloaded PHP projects here. Many project available to download with PHP source code and database. Free download Auto shift duty management system project synopsis available.

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Auto shift duty management system project abstract

Publish by  Mamun Islam
Project Name  Auto shift duty management system
Upload Date  June 15, 2024
Platform  PHP
Programming Language  Html, css, php, JavaScript
Database  Mysql
Front end  
Back end  
Project Type  web Application
View  634

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Auto shift duty management system project description

create a database as Personal Information. its 1st column "serial no", type integer, auto numbering, 2nd column "Army No", integer, third column is "Rank", fourth column is "Name", Fifth column is "Status". in third column in Rank there have "SGT, CPL, LCPL, SNK" as dropdown value. in fifth coloum in Status there have "Available, Unavailable" as dropdown value. There have" save, add new, update, delete button for manage the personal database. 2. the duty shift is "RP1=0600-1159", "RP2=1200-1759", "N1=1800-2259", "N2=2300-0229", "N3=0230-0559". 3. Once a day one people only do one duty. Such as "rp1" or "rp2" or "n1" or "n2" or "n3". 4. Who do today "n1" or "n2" or "n3" .. the next day he will not do "n1" or "n2" or "n3". 5. In a day who do "rp1" he may do "n1" or "n2" or "n3". But who do "rp2" he will not do "n1" or "n2" or "n3". 6. Who do today "n1" duty he may do "rp1" or "rp2" the next day. 7. Today who do "n2" or "n3" he never do "rp1" the next day. He might do "rp2".

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Software Requirement:

1. Server Requirements Web Server: Apache or Nginx Database Server: MySQL PHP Version: 7.4 or higher (with pdo_mysql extension enabled) 2. Software Dependencies Composer: Dependency manager for PHP Bootstrap: For responsive UI design jQuery: JavaScript library for DOM manipulation 3. Development Tools Code Editor/IDE: Visual Studio Code, PhpStorm, etc. Version Control: Git (with GitHub/GitLab) Database Management Tool: phpMyAdmin or MySQL Workbench 4. Testing Tools Postman: For API testing (if applicable) PHPUnit: For unit testing PHP code 5. Operating System Windows, Linux, or macOS 6. Additional Requirements SSL Certificate: For secure HTTPS connections Firewall and Security Tools: To protect the application

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Software Requirement:

Software Stack and Tools Frontend HTML/CSS: For structuring and styling the web pages. Bootstrap: For responsive and visually appealing design. JavaScript (Optional): For form validation and interactive elements. Backend PHP: For server-side scripting and processing user requests. MySQL: For managing user data, policy data, and other related information. Web Server Apache: Web server to serve the PHP files. NGINX (Optional): For performance optimization in handling requests. Database Management MySQL: To store user and policy information. Version Control Git: For version control and collaboration. Operating System Linux/Windows/MacOS: The system should be deployable on any of these operating systems, with Linux being the preferred choice for a production environment. Browser Support

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