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20 New C/C++ programs [2024]

Here in this page we provide all kind of C/C++ programs for students and professionals. If you have learn the C/C++ language faster then you have understand a C/C++ programming language and you must practice the C/C++ programs. This page includes C/C++ programs on various C/C++ topics for beginners and professionals. This page contains sample C/C++ programs for beginners to understand how to use C/C++ programming to write simple C/C++ programs. C/C++ Tutorial for Beginners - Learn C/C++ programming in simple and easy steps starting to advance level. This all consept are using in feature when you develop a C/C++ projects. We are provide a best C/C++ program tutorial for beginners and professionals , helps you to understand the C/C++ language tutorial easily. This C/C++ programing practice help in C/C++ interviews. Student can clear basic concept of C/C++ programming langauge.


Here in this page we provide all kind of C/C++ programs for students and professionals. If you have learn the C/C++ language faster then you have understand a C/C++ programming language and you must practice the C/C++ programs. This page includes C/C++ programs on various C/C++ topics for beginners and professionals. This page contains sample C/C++ programs for beginners to understand how to use C/C++ programming to write simple C/C++ programs. C/C++ Tutorial for Beginners - Learn C/C++ programming in simple and easy steps starting to advance level. This all consept are using in feature when you develop a C/C++ projects. We are provide a best C/C++ program tutorial for beginners and professionals, helps you to understand the C/C++ language tutorial easily. This C/C++ programing practice help in C/C++ interviews. Student can clear basic concept of C/C++ programming langauge.

Here’s a list of some popular C/C++ projects for experienced developers :

  • draw a flower graphics program in C/C++
  • draw a rainbow graphics program in C/C++
  • Create a Flower in Graphics program in C/C++
  • draw a national flag graphics program in C/C++
  • draw a cycle graphics program in C/C++

About C/C++

This page is all about the C/C++ project. As all know, most students learn C and C++ as their first programming language. C is the basis for all students. Turbo C++ is best and popular IDE for the development of C/C++ projects. C is very popular language, it also use in making games. Mario the popular game is developed in C. C/C++ is also used to create desktop application. C20 is latest version of C and ISO/IEC 14882:2020 is the latest version of C++. File extensions for C file is .c, .h and for C++ is .C , .cpp.

Here’s a list of ideas for beginners to try with C/C++ projects free downloads:

  • Tic Tac Toe Game program in C/C++
  • Admission Query Management System program in C/C++
  • Personal Diary Management System program in C/C++
  • Real Life Examples Of Sorting Techniques program in C/C++
  • Scientific Calculator program in C/C++

List of Latest C/C++ programming tutorial with examples

Below is a table featuring C/C++ projects for students and developer, along with brief explanations for each project:

C/C++ program

Tic Tac Toe Game program in C/C++


This game is develope by me in programing language c . this is tic tac toe game . and it's another name is zero and cross. ... [ Download Source Code ]

Software Requirement:

only vs code

February 21, 2023
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C/C++ program

Admission Query Management System program in C/C++


LPU Admission Query Management System based on C++ as a part of Assignment. Developer : Nishant Kumar Student of 1st Year MCA ,Lovely Professional University Github: ... [ Download Source Code ]

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November 29, 2022
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C/C++ program

Personal Diary Management System program in C/C++


In this console application, you can add, view, edit and delete records. Records can be added with many information such as duration of task, name, address, time and date. File handling has been effectively used to keep the records. The basic user-defined functions used in this project are listed below: int password() void addrecord( – to ... [ Download Source Code ]

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January 12, 2022
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C/C++ program

Real Life Examples Of Sorting Techniques program in C/C++


In this, I used sorting techniques for example bucket sort, selection sort, merge sort, quick sort, and insertion sort for implementing real-life examples. Bucket sort is a sorting algorithm that works by distributing the features of an array into several buckets. The selection sort sorts an array by frequently finding the minimum elements. Inserti ... [ Download Source Code ]

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April 7, 2021
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C/C++ program

Scientific Calculator program in C/C++


This is simple basic calculator program in C language. In this program i have include more then 25 function of calculator. Using this program we can find out sine, cos, tan of given number and also all the basic oppression. Here i provide my source code for you all run this in codeBlocks and any other IDE which support to C language and compiler ... [ Download Source Code ]

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March 9, 2021
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C/C++ program

Bank Account program in C/C++


It's all about Checking and Saving Bank account data. Saving Account which combines a high rate of monthly profit, flexibility of withdrawal and convenience in one. The special tearing structure ensures a higher profit on higher deposits. ... [ Download Source Code ]

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July 8, 2020
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C/C++ program

Pizza Hut Management System program in C/C++


This is very useful project. This project is used for any Restaurant. ... [ Download Source Code ]

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June 28, 2020
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C/C++ program

Hospital Management System program in C/C++


This is very useful project. This project is used for any Hospital. ... [ Download Source Code ]

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June 28, 2020
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C/C++ program

Indian Flag In C Programming program in C/C++


C Program to Draw Indian National Flag in Computer Graphics Development . Proud to be an Indian ,Vande Mataram . Jay Hind ... [ Download Source Code ]

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March 25, 2020
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C/C++ program

Meri Maa Graphics Program In C program in C/C++


I am make meri maa meri jaanat in c graphics program. you can run this program only turboc++ software. ... [ Download Source Code ]

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September 1, 2019
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C/C++ program

Colorful Bubble Graphics Animation Program In C program in C/C++


in this program .i am made colorful bubble graphics program .you can run in turboc++. you can run ctrl+r in turboc++. and animation start and if you want stop you press any key form keyboard. ... [ Download Source Code ]

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September 1, 2019
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C/C++ program

Smile Face Graphics Program program in C/C++


This program to how to make a smile emoji in c graphics. you can run only turboc3 and file extenttion .cpp. ... [ Download Source Code ]

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August 30, 2019
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C/C++ program

Attendance Bar Char In C Graphics program in C/C++


this program made in c graphics program. this program showing student attendance bar you can easy to understand of student attendance percentage. ... [ Download Source Code ]

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August 30, 2019
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C/C++ program

Rocket Graphics Program In C/C++ program in C/C++


you can this program run only turboc++ and the logic is very easy to understand that how to work program. you first run this program you show Racket launching on green color you press y/Y on your keyboard then run this program.if you press any key the program exit. then you show counting number reverse 10 to 1 then go rocket. ... [ Download Source Code ]

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August 30, 2019
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C/C++ program

single link list split program in C/C++


Given a (singly) linked list with head node root , write a function to split the linked list into k consecutive linked list parts. The length of each part should be as ... ... [ Download Source Code ]

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December 16, 2018
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C/C++ program

Binary calculator using prefix notations program in C/C++


This calculator uses expressions entered in prefix notation, spaces seperating operators and operands, and with no parentheses, although you can fully parenthesize an infix expression, change to prefix, and then get rid of the parentheses if you want. It is probably easier that way if you don't usually use prefix notation in your writing expression ... [ Download Source Code ]

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December 15, 2018
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C/C++ program

Navigation Stack program in C/C++


The navigation stack is the portion of the ServiceNow suite of applications that determines where a user is redirected after the update of a record. ... [ Download Source Code ]

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December 15, 2018
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C/C++ program

Rock-paper-scissors (Roshambo) game program in C/C++


It is an one player rock-paper-scissors game developed in C. Where other player will be computer itself. ... [ Download Source Code ]

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December 4, 2018
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C/C++ program

Comparison of Sorting Algorithms program in C/C++


It is an C language project to compare the sorting algorithms by calculating worst case time complexity for each sorting techniques for any given number of size. ... [ Download Source Code ]

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December 2, 2018
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C/C++ program

Mini Calender program in C/C++


Mini calender using a simple c code. Basically three operations can be done in this calendar application. To find out the day corresponding to a given date, the date, month and year are asked. You can list the days and dates of any month of any year. For example, entering 04 2014 (April 2014) will give you an output as shown in the screenshot in th ... [ Download Source Code ]

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November 28, 2018
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